I have the following Hardware and would like to use Proxmox for virtualisation.
I have 2 Nic Port Eth0 and Eth1
i have a Cisco-Switch and Fritzbox as Switch and Router
the Cisco-Switch is also conected to the router
Router -------------- Server
Router --- Switch --- Server
i would like
to bundle Eth0 and Eth1 to share bandwith
as i found out it would be a Bond (what is the difference between OVS Bond and Linux Bond?)
I would like
to use IPv6 Adresse for this Container which should be reached bei outside.
Download a ISO file burn a CD, a USB Stick what work for the installation he is asking for cd and the Installation will hang....
At a point you will be asked to give a
Servername, IP, Subnetmask, Gateway, Domaine, Password ...
After a reboot you can start with https://yourIP:8006 (Example you have to use your one defined IP Adresse)
and Login with root and your password
i have done a Linux Bond0 LACP Mode and after a reboot which i had to do, i could not conect any more. Why?
and what is the difference:
Linux Bond Mode
- balance-rr
- active-backup
- balance-xor
- broadcast
- LACP (802-3ad)
- balance-tlb
- balance -alb
and what is a Slaves:?